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Calebe P Mendes, PhD


Calebe leads the ECL wildlife monitoring programs in Singapore and is funded by NParks grant on wild boar rewilding.
Calebe also helps manage the Asian and global cam trap databases and works closely with Luskin to develop community SEM models to assess food webs. 

(based at NTU - Singapore)


Drs Mendes and Luskin have co-authored numerous peer-reviewed papers

Calebe Mendes Ecological Cascades Lab.png



Contributing author on ECL publications


  1. Moore, Gibson, Amir, Chanthorn, Ahmad, Mendes, Jansen, Onuma, Peres & Luskin (2023). The rise of hyperabundant native generalists threatens both humans and nature. Biological Reviews 98(4):1–20. [link]​

  2. Luskin, Moore, Mendes et al (2023). The mass mortality of Asia's native pigs induced by African swine fever. Wildlife Letters 1(1): 1-10. [link]

  3. ​Negret, Luskin et al & Mendes (2023). Neotropical understory birds and mammals show divergent behaviour responses to human pressure. Perspectives in Ecology & Conservation e2023:1-10 [link]

  4. Decoeur, Amir, Mendes, Moore & Luskin (2023). Mid-sized felids threatened by habitat degradation in Southeast Asia. Biological Conservation 283: 110103 [link]​

  5. Lamperty, with Amir, Mendes, Png, Sovie et al w/ Luskin (2023). Rewilding in Southeast Asia: Singapore as a case study. Conservation Science & Practice e12899: 1-11 [link]​​

  6. Hendry, Amir, Decoeur, Mendes, Moore, Sovie & Luskin (2023). Marbled cats in Southeast Asia; Are diurnal and semi-arboreal felids at greater risk from human disturbances? Ecosphere 14(1): e4338. [link]​​

  7. Dehaudt, AmirDecoeur, Gibson, MendesMooreNursamsiSovie, & Luskin (2022). Common palm civets (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) are positively associated with humans and forest degradation with implications for seed dispersal and zoonotic diseases. J of Animal Ecology 91: 794-804. [link]​

  8. Dunn, AmirDecoeurMendesMooreSovie & Luskin (2022). The ecology of the banded civet (Hemigalus derbyanus) in Southeast Asia with implications for mesopredator release, zoonotic diseases, and conservation. Ecology & Evolution 12, e8852-e8861.[link]

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