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'Shane' Wen Xuan Chiok

Shane (Wen Xuan) is Singaporean and will be the RA for NParks wild boar project and likely take key roles in many aspects of the ECL work (much beyond a normal RA). He officially starts the last week of May. Shane has experience with wildlife trafficking, Share surveys, and he previously worked with NParks. [He has even just led a peer-reviewed paper, congrats Shane!] 


He will lead much of the on-the-ground work for the wild boar project, including logistics with NParks, and he will also lead side-projects within the ECL, including leading papers. Longer-term, we are aiming for Shane to join the ECL as a PhD student in 2023 or 2024, or another top ecology/conservation program. 

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©2018 Matthew Luskin

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